Will Biden’s New Nickname Push Him Over the Edge?

In the past week, we’ve reported on the media taking a softer approach to Joe Biden. They’ve been selling us the fiction for so long that Biden is a nice, grandfatherly man. In fact, we’ve been reporting on him for years.

If someone is not afraid to be rude and yell at people in front of others, it makes you think that things are probably even worse behind closed doors. Biden has been losing his cool in public since at least 1988 when he first ran for president.

Who can forget this?

The majority of Biden’s claims were then proven to be false.

Look at how he loses it on this poor guy who has the temerity to tell him the truth. Watch how he gets upset with this guy for telling him the truth. Also, notice that Biden is incorrect about almost everything including “AR-14s.”

We’ve known for years that this is the real Joe Biden. You have no filter if you act that way when you are trying to court voters.

The bigger question, however, is why the media is suddenly revealing what’s been known for years: that he is a nasty character. Axios reported his tendency to scream at staff. He used such words as, “G**dammit, how did you not know this?” “Don’t bullsh*t Me!” and “Get out of Here!” This doesn’t sound like the kindest grandfather.

Axios has even given Biden a new nickname: “Old Yeller”. (Though to be fair, the name was coined months ago).

The Atlantic stated that it was time for Joe Biden to step aside. The NY Times Maureen Dowd attacked Biden’s lack of decency by failing to acknowledge his granddaughter. She also noted in her title, it was “seven grandchildren,” not six as Biden often says.

Biden is certainly in trouble. Why now? The powers that be may have finally concluded that there is no way they can get him to run a campaign with his problems. He’ll be too damaged for them to hide? Is this a media effort to push them in that direction or is it the other way around?

Gavin Newsom is not to be missed. He’s positioning himself, trying out issues, and acting like a politician, even though he hasn’t declared. The media wants you to pay attention.

I have no idea what Newsom’s doing if he hasn’t declared. He sure looks as if he’s running something. Then there is the issue of Kamala. They will need to account for Kamala’s fate if they want to get Newsom into the race. Otherwise, they risk losing a large number of votes if Newsom is just moved past her. If there was any thought of Joe stepping down, this would have to be taken into account.