It is about being able to see the real gravity of any situation. This is what separates childhood from adulthood. A broken teenage love could never compare to a broken marriage. Just like the pain of losing a pet could never compare to losing your parents or a very close loved one. It is not a case of the former possessing no meaning, but rather about where the hammer puts them in their proper context.
There are two paths for those who have lost a significant amount of their life and heart. They can be forever bitter and burning with envy at those not similarly marked. Or, they can open their hearts with the understanding gained solely by painful experience to others who have unwillingly joined their ranks. The unfortunate fellowship shares understanding, and even consoles the newly grieving.
It’s natural to wonder about the fragility of the planet. We can see it in the lives of those we love, as well as in the deaths of loved ones.
The wise guard their treasure in heaven, but the foolish give away love’s treasure to the world. How will you deal with real grief?
People indulge in self-pity, and self-promotion, and call it grief.
Unsuccessful fellowship is more interested in listening than talking. Grace comes from silence, and comfort comes through unspoken sharing. It’s not just about reading Scripture but living it. Jesus wept before He danced.
No one gets over grief. We get through it. Days pass, and we become more adept at maneuvering through this new reality. We still find ourselves reaching out to touch the other person, be it directly, on the phone, or online. Some days we can laugh. Other days we remember fondly. Still, others find us needing very little to bring on the faraway stare. But we continue, taking comfort that this is, in fact, not the end. We need not live in morbid fear of perpetual panic. We have life’s precious gift, and we should savor and enjoy every moment. As the late great Andrew Breitbart embodied, we should be happy warriors. Solomon reminded us in Proverbs that above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Remember this, and remember to let loss lead to love.