Convicted Murderer Danelo Cavalcante Still at Large in PA

On August 31, Danelo Cavalcante, a 34-year-old convicted killer, escaped from the Chester County Prison, Pa. by crab-walking a wall. The fugitive, who is also an illegal Brazilian immigrant, has been seen by eyewitnesses and surveillance cameras in the past 13 days. One of them confronted Cavalcante at his South Coventry Township house, where he was stealing a rifle. Cavalcante was shot by the homeowner, but no injuries were reported.

As the manhunt continues, schools in a rural Philadelphia suburb have been closed as a precaution. Will Stout, the superintendent of schools in Philadelphia suburbs, issued a message to parents.

After consulting with local and state law enforcement agencies, we decided to close today all schools and district offices due to increased police activity. This situation is upsetting and stressful for the entire community. Thank you for your patience, understanding, and support over the last few days.

Pennsylvania State Police has urged residents not to leave their homes, and have all doors and windows closed while searching for Cavalcante. Law enforcement insists that citizens should call 911 instead of approaching Danelo Cavalcante or attempting to neutralize any threats on their own. Cavalcante, now clean-shaven, was last seen wearing blue pants and shirtless. He has dark eyes and hair.

Cavalcante, a 33-year old ex-girlfriend of Deborah Brandao’s in April 2021 was brutally murdered by stabbing her in front of two of her young children. Authorities believe that he tried to flee Brazil when he was arrested in Virginia.

The attorneys for Cavalcante attempted to convince jurors that Cavalcante “snapped,” and committed a crime out of passion. But neighbors who knew Cavalcante when he dated Brandao testified he went from a nice guy into one who scared the mother. “She said that he was very jealous and that when he got drunk he changed into a completely different person. He kept looking through her phone.” The victim’s sibling told the court.

In his book, “The Gift of Fear,” Gavin de Becker, an expert on violent behavior prediction, writes that people don’t “just “snap.” There’s a process, which is as observable and predictable as water boiling. Danelo is wanted for murder in Brazil, where he was a suspect in a 2017 killing. Cavalcante allegedly shot his victim six times because he owed him money. Since 2018, when he took a flight from Brazil to the U.S., he has been running.

It is believed that Brendao was aware of Cavalcante’s crime and had threatened to inform the police about his location and to alert anyone looking for a motive.

There is a justifiable reason to issue an area lockdown as it’s been proven that Danelo Cavalcante can:

  • Defy gravity by crab-walking his way out of the yard and onto the prison roof
  • Push through the roof’s razor wire
  • Jump into open space from the roof and flee prison property
  • Exhibit violent tendencies seemingly “out of nowhere”
  • Abuse alcohol
  • Throw rocks at children
  • Steal vehicles and guns, and
  • Murder human beings.

For general information on Danelo, call (717) 562- 2987. If you encounter or see this dangerous and armed man, seek safety and dial 911.

When you dial 911, don’t tell a story. Tell the operator calmly and clearly what you need. Include your location and describe the suspect’s clothing and attire. Do not hang up before law enforcement arrives.

This story is ongoing and will be updated when warranted.