Communist China has placed Shanghai, the world’s largest trade city, under new COVID-19 lockdown limitations. This means that global supply chains have been tied in new knots.
Port of Shanghai is the largest seaport in China, accounting for 25% of China’s shipping trade. This makes it an extremely risky point of failure.
Except that this weekend’s lockdown orders make “potential” “actual.”
Communist China is facing another serious COVID-19 epidemic despite its “zero tolerance” policy.
It seems that no one told the virus.
Already in 2022, the Communist country had more COVID cases than any other year.
China’s problem has become the problem of the entire world with the closing of Shanghai and other Chinese cities.
It’s not just Shanghai
The even more restrictive lockdown in Shenzhen (a major tech hub in southern China) further complicates matters.
To counter Omicron outbreaks in nearby factories and areas, Shenzhen took the necessary measures.
Foxconn, a major Apple supplier, has suspended operations in Shenzhen as the lockdown impacted economic activity throughout the factory hub.
Shenzhen is among ten cities that have taken all residents into custody, although the measures were taken Monday in other hubs like Nanjing, Dalian, and Tianjin which are near the capital.
The Wall Street Journal reported Monday morning the source of the new epidemic.
The latest outbreak of coronavirus in China is occurring amid an outbreak in Hong Kong. Hong Kong has a unique governance system. Hong Kong has been criticized for failing to act faster to contain the virus. Since December, the city has recorded over 700,000 cases. It also has the highest death rate in the world, mainly among unvaccinated seniors.
Official data from the WSJ – originating in China, so take it with a grain. “Almost 90% of China’s population are fully vaccinated. Only half of the 35.8million over 80 are.”
This is a possible explanation for China’s “zero tolerance” policy.
Communist China is rapidly aging, with more than 14% of its population over 65 and most at-risk of dying from COVID. The U.S. stands at almost 17%, although it is growing more slowly.
People at low risk of becoming seriously ill by COVID may not be able to benefit from experimental vaccines. For those at high risk, like the over-80s in China, getting jabbed is almost always the best thing to do.
Why is it that China’s older citizens refuse to be vaccinated, compared with the U.S.?
Whatever the reason, Xi Jinping, the Chinese leader, can’t afford the expense of presiding over the funerals for umpteen jillion Chinese.
Xi is able to afford and likely enjoys, sticking it to a U.S. economic system already hamstrung over-spending and excessive regulation.
China allowed international travel to Wuhan during the initial Wuhan epidemic in late 2019.
Xi has once more exported China’s problems to other parts of the globe with this week’s shutdowns.