Ukrainian officials warned Sunday that Belarus could invade Ukraine during the Russian war. Officials from Ukraine said Sunday that the Belarusian military planned to invade Ukraine in the fifth week following the arrival of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s forces in Ukraine last month.
According to a statement by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine on Facebook, there were signs that the Republic of Belarus’ military forces were planning to invade Ukrainian territory. Belarus borders Ukraine in its north and is reportedly used as a staging zone by Russian forces.
Belarus and Russia are moving troops to the area where Belarus-Ukraine-Poland borders join. It is likely that they will target an axis south of Kyiv in order to isolate the city. A supporting attack would shake up the situation since the attacks from the north have stalled.
Video uploaded 1 day ago reportedly from Slonim in western Belarus showing Belarusian T-72 tank and BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles (IFV’s) with red squares being moved. This comes amid reports from Ukraine of an anticipated attack by Belorussian forces in the Volyn region
— ELINT News (@ELINTNews) March 20, 2022
#Belarus announced they had withdrawn troops from border with #Ukraine.
Allegedly, the paratroopers after successfully strengthening sections of the border returned to their permanent deployment placeRemember, before the attack, Russia also “removed” the troops from the border
— I (@ZMan00000000) March 21, 2022
Another sign of danger is Thursday’s abrupt recall by Belarus’ Ambassador to Ukraine.The sudden withdrawal of Ambassador IharSokol from Ukraine, on March 18, is a sad sign. It has impacted multiple European officials and dissidents in Belarus.
The Washington Examiner was also informed by a second European official that they were leaving. This raises many possibilities. Their diplomats and embassy could be leaving, which could suggest that they are keen to join the war against Russia.
A direct attack on Ukraine by Belarus would only exacerbate the rift. Putin called Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus “a trio of persons”, which not only suggests that Putin wants control over both countries but also shows the true cultural and social ties between them.
Ambassador Sokol’s departure was filled with drama. As he crossed the Ukrainian border, he was presented with a gift.
As the ambassador of Belarus was leaving Ukraine today, a Ukrainian border guard tossed a bag with coins at him, told him to pass the 30 silver pieces of Judah to the head of Belarusian border service.
Video via @operativnoZSU— Olga Tokariuk (@olgatokariuk) March 19, 2022
This is an approximate translation. “F*** you, you f***ing f***. ”
My plug-in to Google Translate wasn’t activated.
Belarus is a de facto aggressor. Belarus’ main railway line is used to transport supplies to the Russian Army in Ukraine. Russia also launches combat missiles daily from its Belarusian airbases.
Statistics on Russian air activity from the territory of Belarus since March 1 by @konrad_muzyka based on our information:
— MotolkoHelp (@MotolkoHelp) March 19, 2022
The situation in Belarus is very complicated. Alexander Lukashenko (the Belarus President and close Putin ally) seems eager to join an invasion. (Belarus Prepares to Russia’s Unprovoked Attack against Ukraine). Lukashenko was seen early in the war posing with an “invasion strategy”. See Oops! Belarus leader may have accidentally revealed next country on Putin’s invasion list
I don’t know who took footage of Lukashenko explaining to Putin Ukraine’s “plan to attack Belarus” and then spliced him into what looks like a porno, and I’m not totally sure what it means, but I’m very here for it.
— Kevin Rothrock (@KevinRothrock) March 20, 2022
Lukashenko may be keen to help his boss but his military and people don’t like the idea.
I’m in desperate need for good news. I’m sick of Putin. I’m sick of Magats. I’m sick of Trump. I’m sick of Covid. I’m sick of war. We all really need a WIN.
— Jeff Thompson (@jeff_thompson) March 19, 2022
The army of Belarus has 20,000 soldiers. They would defeat it with the Ukraine Territorial Defense Forces and have little impact on the war.
A Belarusian joining the war would have a significant effect on conflict, but it is unlikely that this will be limited to Russia and Ukraine.