White House Descends into Chaos, Turning into an Adult Daycare Center

Joe Biden and his supporters, who are aware that over 1,000 people were killed in Israel on October 7th and that hundreds of hostages remain captives, have focused on the true victims: the Muslim community.

You may have believed that the terrorists who hang-glided over a music festival or the babies burned to death with their parents were the real story. But you’d be mistaken, as these atrocities can’t compare to the vague scourge of “Islamophobia.”

A new report claims that those inside and outside of the White House are unhappy with Biden for not showing them the deference they require.

The speechwriter for President Joe Biden sat with senior Arab-American and Muslim officials hours before he gave his rare address in primetime last week to review the draft and get suggestions.

Even inside the White House, there was dissent. Some aides were concerned that Biden had not shown enough empathy towards Palestinian civilians or a Muslim Community facing a torrent of anger.

The White House’s hour-long editing session is part of a concerted outreach effort to Arab Americans, who believe they are being blamed for atrocities committed by Hamas half a world away.

The President of the United States did indeed let “Muslim American officials” edit his remarks to make sure it was not too focused on the Hamas massacres. It is important to always draw an analogy. It is certainly wrong to murder Jews cold-blooded for their Jewishness, but does it make the crime worse than claims that Islamophobia is on the rise?

According to a White House spokesperson, Vinay Reddy, a speechwriter, read the draft aloud in his West Wing office to ensure that his Arab-American co-workers were comfortable with the language decrying “Islamophobia”, and naming the Arab, Muslim, and Palestinian populations who felt vulnerable. The group listened to the draft and gave their approval.

The Biden administration is like an adult daycare, where people who are supposedly marginalized get special treatment and listening sessions regardless of their actual oppression. This leads to absurdity, as Israel, which just experienced the largest massacre of Jews since World War II, is pushed down in favor of other groups.

Hanna Hanania said, “We were very concerned with what we witnessed at the beginning of the war” and voted for Biden in 2020. She is the former president of Detroit’s American Federation of Ramallah Palestine. “We felt that the messages made us feel like we were completely left out. “The messages were totally aimed at the other side as if we had never existed.”

It may sound harsh but it’s not what I mean. I do understand that some Palestinians have died in Gaza because of the leadership they’ve chosen. When analyzing a war, it’s important to be realistic. It is absurd for Palestinians in America (and Muslims generally) to complain that they were “totally ignored” in terms of messages of sympathy, especially when it was Palestinians themselves who marched over the Israeli border to butcher 1,400 people.

Even if we ignore that and focus only on what is happening in the United States of America, attacks against Muslims motivated by hatred are far more numerous than antisemitic ones. FBI hate crimes against Jews were five times higher in 2021 than hate crimes against Muslims. Islamophobia is not as dangerous as antisemitism, even if it exists. It is only slightly higher than anti-Catholic hatred crimes (9.6 vs. 6.1%).

It’s pathetic that Biden has accepted the idea that what happened on Oct. 7th is equivalent to what happened afterward in pursuit of Hamas. A real president would tell their staff to either grow up or leave because the federal government should not exist to cater to the wants of irrationally sensitive people.