Joy Behar was forced to apologize Tuesday after claiming that Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett had been a member of a hate organization one day before.
This is what Behar claimed.
A liberal commentator stated Monday that Coney Barrett’s membership in the religious group People of Praise was proof that she belonged a “hate group”.
They believe sex should be between married couples, and only with a woman and a man.
These comments were made by progressives who demanded that Coney Barton withdraw from cases where religious liberty and LGBT ideologies conflict. Critics specifically cited Coney Barrett’s connection to People of Praise as an reason she should resign.
The Southern Poverty Law Center doesn’t consider People of Praise to be a hate group.
She later retracted her previous claims of defaming Coney bart and issued an apology Tuesday. She said that she had misunderstood People of Praise with another organization but wasn’t specific about which one.
Behar stated that “I have to clarify something I said yesterday.” “I must correct an error I made on air when I stated that People of Praise is a hate group.
“I just mixed them with another group. I’m sorry about that. ” ”
Sara Haines (co-host of The View) was not surprised that she disagreed with her co-hosts about Coney Barrett.