Teacher at White-Majority School Heralds Her Fourth Grade Classroom Built for Nonwhite Kids

A fourth-grade teacher from Utah was curious if her new school would take her colorful class.

Watch the video at the bottom to see what she did.

Can it be possible to build a school that is inclusive of all races? Perhaps institutions have proven it to be possible.

A long time ago, it would have been something else. In a short time, however, everything was made new.

The teacher said that she was interested in “multicultural education”, and that no white people would be represented.

“Take a look around, and interact with the materials I have, you’ll notice that there aren’t any white children. None of them are white. ”

Did 4th graders use coloring books? This generation uses them:

My coloring pages are the same. There is not one with a picture featuring a white person on it. I searched for pages they could relate to.

The teacher prefers Princesses Of Color (POCs)

“Then the only Disney princesses I have are Mulana, Moana, and Moana. It’s a coincidence that they aren’t white.”

Temporarily, the term “diversity” is not used to describe thoughts. A person’s sexual preferences and self-conceit do.

Are all “posh-white parents” the same? She would like to know:

“So, there isn’t much adherence just to the basic level of my school. This could be due to my past experiences with white, posh parents. ”

There has been no online response. Fox News reported Sunday’s statement by the head school.

The principal made a statement on Sunday night stating that she had made it her personal goal to make sure all students felt safe and welcomed. Students should not feel unwelcome by any employee.

The principal pointed out that the teacher had removed the post from social networks and apologized. District officials are investigating to see if there were any violations of policies.

The video can be viewed here

This educator seems to see the world through an identity-group lens. She views her classroom as a personal space.

Granite School district might not feel exactly the same way. Fox News Digital spoke to a spokesperson about the investigation.

“It would be against district policies to teach any other curriculum, standards, or discriminate against any student. We value the involvement of parents in classrooms and schools”.

85% of 560 students at William Penn Elementary were white.