It may be obvious that those on the left who are defending trans children in K-12 schools still argue that it isn’t happening. They claim that libertarians and conservatives concerned about such a thing don’t have the right to be afraid.
Progressives insist that this myth is a fabrication despite numerous reports showing how school staff and educators have encouraged transgender ideology among students and even helped some of them “transition” to another sex. Parents Defending Education (PDE), a parent rights advocacy group, has revealed more evidence of the mistreatment in schools.
PDE published a report last Wednesday that listed the school districts that have policies allowing and requiring teachers not to reveal a student’s gender identity to parents. These school districts allow children to “socially change” to the other gender without parents being informed. They can use an opposite-sex name or dress in opposing-sex clothes and they are allowed to be identified as such. Sometimes educators may be required to use a child’s given name in conferences, while the child’s preferred name is used when parents are not there.
For example, take the Long Beach Unified school district in California. The policy states that a parent, legal guardian, or student may request to be identified by a name or gender other than that listed on their legal verification of birth.
This document states that a transgender student can choose to be identified by a name or gender that is gender-neutral. Schools must also maintain a mandatory permanent record that includes the student’s legal name as well as their legal gender.
LBUSD also stipulates that students who cannot complete a request to change their gender or name system-based “still have their rights to assert themselves on campus regardless of consent from the parent(s), legal guardian(s), or other people.
Further, the document informs educators that even if a student requests that their parent or guardian be not informed of any change, staff members are “still obligated” to honor the request and that they “must be aware of the name and pronouns in the classroom as opposed to the name used for communications to the parent/legal guardian.”
You might find this scary.
Here’s one from the Kent School district in Washington. It says:
A meeting can be requested by the principal, building administrator, or a designated school employee upon a student’s enrollment in the district. This may also be done in response to a student’s changing of gender identity or expression. The school will first consult with students about their preferences regarding family involvement before contacting them.
The policy states that school staff should adopt policies to prevent the inadvertent divulging of students’ transgender status or gender-expansive standing. It also notes that the district may alter the student’s official records to reflect a common-law name change if it receives a written, signed affidavit explaining that the student exercised a common-law name change.
These are just a few of the policies that PDE has outlined in its report. The organization found that 169 school districts (which includes 6,086 schools) have these policies. These numbers represent more than 3,300,000.000 students in total. The organization points out that this list is not exhaustive, so the actual number could be much larger.
Nicole Neily, President of PDE, stated to the New York Post that the list “only scratches the surface of the secret activities taking place in America’s schools behind closed doors.”
She stated that “parental exclusion policies are a problem coast-to-coast – and that living in red states doesn’t automatically mean that families are protected from this issue.”
Parents who want to protect their children from the dangers of public and private schools should consider homeschooling. This is yet another sign that transgenderism is being pushed on children in a massive way and is not likely to stop.