Provo Man Killed in FBI Raid After Allegedly Pointing Gun at Agents

When news broke last Wednesday that 75-year-old Craig Deleeuw Robertson had died after a raid at an early morning Utah home, we were all shocked. We were left with more questions than answers.

Robertson’s family and neighbors described him as elderly and housebound. There is evidence that he posted online threats against government officials. It included President Joe Biden, who was visiting the state that night.

Robertson has threatened to kill prominent Democrats. Robertson posted images of himself standing over the body of California Governor Gavin Newsom, with his S&W M&P-9mm smoking.

A criminal complaint filed in the Utah District Court alleging threats against the President prompted the raid, according to reports.

The complaint stated that Robertson’s online posts indicated an intent to kill Mr. Biden. Robertson was accused of writing on his blog in August that “I had heard Biden would be coming to Utah”, and that he “was cleaning off the dust with his M24 sniper”. “The complaint included photos showing Robertson in a ghillie suit, a type of camouflage, and a long-range rifle.

Many outlets reported anonymous police officials who said Robertson was armed at the time of the raid. The FBI, however, was relatively quiet about the details. The FBI was a bit tight-lipped about the details of the incident.

The FBI should have arrested Robertson as he walked to the store instead of grabbing him.

The FBI’s silence on this matter is the most troubling.

The government’s silence is deafening. An explanation that answers all the serious questions about Robertson’s murder is required. Anything less is unacceptable.

On Monday, the FBI issued a press statement confirming that Robertson pointed a revolver at agents before firing.

The FBI Inspection Division will be reviewing this shooting incident. This is in accordance with FBI policy.

Although the neighbors recorded the raid there is no bodycam video from the agents.

A policy announcement dated July 20, 2022, states that agents of special task forces and officers must “make reasonable efforts” in order to “wear (body-worn cameras), and to activate them to record their actions when pre-planned FBI searches and arrests are made.”

Agents will also be instructed to “reasonably activate” cameras as they approach “subjects” or “premises” for a “preplanned arrest”. According to the policy, agents are only to use cameras “whenever safe and practicable” to deal with unanticipated situations such as “contentious” interactions or “violent” ones.

We will let you know if and when we receive additional information regarding the incident.