Celebrities in Hollywood have a long history of saying ridiculous things. But Avengers actor Mark Ruffalo said Tuesday that the Ukraine war was “a gift for climate change activists.” Putin-led carnage, which has caused thousands of deaths and destroyed entire cities, has been called a “gift” by no one. This is still a good thing for Ruffalo.
This is actually quite sick. Imagine telling a Ukrainian mother with a dying child that it might be easier to pass a solar panel bill or subsidize a windmill.
Ruffalo appeared to be on MSNBC’s Katy Tor Reports to spew:
This is an opportunity for President Biden, to use this momentum, people’s disgust at war, their disgust about energy prices, to send a message to America that transition is now, that this is where jobs are, that this is where national security is. We will push him to do this. This is a gift for the president as we see it. We see him accepting it in these terms.
This is the most alarming aspect of his behavior. Is it possible to be so happy about war? The video’s:38 mark is when he really feels happy.
Mark Ruffalo calls Ukraine war ‘gift’ for President Biden’s climate change agenda https://t.co/8u5wgEAOIm
— Fox News (@FoxNews) April 26, 2022
He had promoted a similar message earlier in the month.
“It’s time to unite for #CleanEnergyFreedom,” Ruffalo tweeted on Earth Day last week. “[President Biden] could strengthen national security and lower energy prices, create job opportunities, and avert climate catastrophe through clean energy independence.”
What is he asking Biden? He can snap his fingers and solve the problem instantly. Another executive order is issued, requiring that someone find the perfect energy source for Greta Thunberg by next week.
As with many passionate pleas for an immediate shift, the problem is that we don’t have enough technology to make it happen overnight. It’s a noble goal and we should all pray that we reach it. But we are not there yet. A professor at MIT summarizes the idea succinctly on the university’s Climate Portal site:
Desiree Plata is an MIT Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering. “Unfortunately these are not solved issues.” While we have the technology to make many systems carbon neutral, they are not able to run in the same way as today. Furthermore, the cost of implementing some of today’s solutions is prohibitive.
Even though we have enormous resources, we can limit our oil and gas production. However, this simply shifts production to dictatorships in Russia or the Middle East. Biden makes a lot of talk about Russia and seems to be imagining that he can do the same to Putin as he did to Corn Pop. But the truth is that we were still buying oil from the war-torn nation until March and funding their invasion.
Ruffalo joins an extensive list of Hollywood celebrities who travel to exotic destinations to promote climate change reforms. These goals are worthy but the rhetoric they use is not. Brad Pitt appeared on a recent Jim Jefferies Show podcast.
He assumed the role of a worried weatherman and offered a grim outlook about the weather. When asked about the future forecast, Weatherman Pitt replied, “There is no tomorrow.”
There is no tomorrow. This is a wonderful message.
What is this talk doing for our children? It’s making them anxious, guilt-ridden, and fear-filled. As even NPR reports:
Results showed that many young people feel fear and worry negatively affect their ability to function. More than 45% of respondents stated that their daily lives are negatively affected by how they feel about climate change.
“What makes youth activism so powerful is that young people are sure & certain about what they want. Young people are worried about their future. Climate change is a matter of life and death for young people – and we want life.” – @vanessa_vash pic.twitter.com/aV45ECQX2z
— Women4Climate (@Women4Climate) April 23, 2020
Although the goal of cheap renewable energy is noble, Ruffalo’s use of a vicious war as a means to prove his point is outrageous and shows that Hollywood is completely out of touch with reality.