NYC Nursing Home Boots Residents Including 95-Year-Old Veteran to Make Way for Illegal Aliens

There have been many stories that show how the Biden team has failed to handle illegal immigration. This new story from New York is a great example of what the Democratic priorities are.

Even the Democratic Mayor Eric Adams has criticized Joe Biden on the matter. What they feel in New York City, however, is not even close to what the border cities have experienced. Now that it is affecting New York Democrats, they are starting to feel it. Biden, as we reported, did not bother to meet Adams during his recent visit to NYC. That shows just how seriously Biden takes the problem, a figurative “drop dead” to NYC.

The way New York City has dealt with the problem has not been good.

On Monday, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis held a news conference to discuss how NYC is dealing with the crisis. Malliotakis told the story of a 95-year-old Korean War veteran who was at the press conference.

Tammaro, who was at an assisted living facility, said: “I’m angry about how they did it. It was very dishonorable what they did.”

Then, one day, there was an announcement on the board. He said, “I think it gave us about a month to figure out where we would be going.” “I thought that my suitcases would be on the curb because I’m really not fast.”

He said that if it weren’t for her, they would have been on the street.

“That’s it. “That was it.” I replied, “No, No, No, No, You’re Not Moving Me,” and they responded, “Yes, Yes, Yes We Are.” We didn’t get the chance to try to stop them, because we were pressed for time.

Malliotakis stated that this shows “our city and country’s priorities have gone backward.”

“My blood pressure went through the roof after I learned that Homes for the Homeless had cut a deal to convert Island Shores in New York into a migrant refuge,” the GOP legislator said.

Our tax dollars, as New Yorkers, should not be used to house foreigners, especially our seniors and veterans, who have paid taxes all their lives, risked their lives and built up our communities.

Many condemned the actions on X. They said it showed they did not place American citizens before them and that it is particularly egregious to affect the most vulnerable, and those who have served honorably this country like Tammaro.