A newly exposed section of the FBI domestic terrorism reference guide suggests that the use of the internet slang words “red-pilled” and “based,” among others, might be suggestive of a user’s proclivity for or involvement in racist, involuntary-celibate, and/or fascistic extremism.
The Heritage Foundation’s Oversight Project recently received a portion of the FBI’s domestic terrorist guide that addresses both “Racially and Ethnically Motivated Violence Extremists” as well as “Involuntary Cerelibate Violent Extremists.”
This section contains glossaries of terms that are allegedly used in criminal elements within these groups.
According to the FBI, the following are some “key terms” that incels will use:
Chad — A race-specific term that describes an idealized male who is very successful in gaining the sexual and romantic attention of women. Inels are unsuccessful competitors to Chads for attention.
Looksmaxxing – “The act of self-improvement with an intention to be more attractive.”
Normie; Blue Pill — “Derisive words used to describe normal people”;
Stacy — “Idealized female version who is highly successful in gaining the sexual and romantic attention of men.”
According to the FBI, the following are key terms that RMVEs will use:
Based — “RMVEs use this term to refer to someone converted to racist ideology or to indicate ideological agreement.”
Great Replacement — “First popularized by European nationalists, based on a 2005 novel of the same title. The term refers to the belief that there is a conspiracy to replace white race and Western culture with high non-white birthrates, mass immigration, or other measures.”
Red Pill — “In RMVE ideology, taking red pill or becoming a’redpilled” indicates that you have adopted racist, anti-Semitic or fascist beliefs.”
LARPing — A term that stands for “Live Action Role-Playing” originally meant to refer to a role-playing game where participants play fictional characters. RMVEs and their associates use this term online to denigrate individuals who are not as extreme or possessing skills or other valuable characteristics.
While some terms and phrases found in the FBI’s glossaries have an undeniable historical connection to identitarian and socialist movements, others such as “Blood and Soil” and “Chad”, the terms “red pill,” and “LARPing,” are widely used online.
Know Your Meme says that “Chad” can be used to refer to someone who is carefree, especially if they are doing something really badass.
Caleb Madison stated in the Atlantic that the “Red Pill” was a cultural artifact of “The Matrix,” in which the character Morpheus gives Neo a choice. “You take the Blue Pill… The story ends. You wake up in bed and believe what you want. If you take the red pill, then you remain in Wonderland. I will show you how far the rabbit hole can go.
In everyday speech, it is used to mean to “take the red pill” or to passively “red-pilled”. This means to eventually realize one was wrong or ignorant about some consequence/reality.
How-To Geek stated that “based” is not a term that is used only by rabid fascists and rabid identitarians.
Based, as a general term, is a slang term that originated in the 1980s. It is used to refer to someone who uses crack cocaine. A person who was called a “Basehead” or a “Based” was someone who is addicted to crack,” the definition continued.
The FBI is not only acquainting common internet slang and extremists but also raising alarm about Roman Catholic orthodoxy.
TheBlaze reported previously that the FBI’s Richmond branch published a document entitled, “Interest in Racially or Ethnically Motivated Violence Extremists in Radical Traditionalist Catholic Ideology. Almost Certainly Presents New Mitigation Options.”
Despite the fact that the Catholic Church around the world condemned slavery almost a century before Columbus discovered America, and strongly denouncing racism in general, the FBI claimed that it had “increasingly seen interest in racially/ethically motivated violent extremists in radical Catholic ideology.”
If it is available, the FBI’s glossary containing allegedly extremist Catholic terms has not yet been published.