An ex-policeman from Northeast Thailand was charged with drug trafficking. With a gun and a knife, he attacked his child’s daycare, killing 38 people, including 24 kids.
Following his crime spree at the daycare center, he set off to return home. He shot and stabbed his wife and child, and then turned the gun on himself.
Most of the victims were between two- and five years of age, according to a Reuters report. This horrific incident occurred in Uthai Sawan (310 km northeast of Bangkok).
Paisal Lutesomboon, a spokesperson for the police, stated that the man went to ThaiPBS to collect his child after he appeared in court.
Paisal claimed that he began a killing spree when he couldn’t find his child at Uthai Sawan Daycare Centre. Paisal said that he began shooting at, slashing, and killing children at Uthai Sawan’s daycare center.
It is a terrible scene. It was horrendous from the very beginning when I entered. Piyalak Kingkaew, a veteran emergency worker, heads the first response team.
We wouldn’t normally make a political statement about children who die at daycare centers in countries with stricter gun laws than any American gun grabber could dream of.
Left-wing ghouls act like this when there is a mass shooting in America.
The facility is pink and one-story, with small palm trees and a grass area, and was home to around 30 children. Jidapa Boonsom, who was working at a nearby job, said that the attacker entered the area.
Jidapa Boonsom stated that the shooter arrived around lunchtime and killed four to five officials from childcare centers.
Jidapa Boonsom said that an attacker entered a locked bedroom where the children were sleeping and forced him in. She also stated that a teacher who was eight months pregnant was one of the victims.
Thailand has 10.3 million guns in 2017. The possession of illegal firearms can lead to severe penalties, sometimes up to ten-year imprisonment.
The dangers in Thailand are increasing. Many people are asking for relaxed gun laws so they can legally purchase a firearm.