The word “abandonment” can sum up President Joe Biden’s entire presidency as President of the United States.
He left the border, Afghanistan, and even the press after most of his speeches. We can now add “Ukraine” to that list. RedState reported that Biden had lifted sanctions against Russia, but it was not clear if this would have any effect. Biden then left for Deleware on the weekend, before any information about the sanctions could be made.
Biden’s handling in Ukraine is another example of his incompetence. It doesn’t matter that he opened the door for this invasion, but now we have a leader who is doing very little to lead on the matter.
This is why Americans agree with Biden’s poor handling of the Ukraine issue.
Rasmussen says that less than a third of voters approve of the work of Biden in Ukraine, with the majority believing his performance is not up to par.
Rasmussen Reports has conducted a new survey online and by telephone that found only 31% of Americans think Biden is excellent or very good in handling the Russian aggression against Ukraine. 49 percent give him a poor score for his handling the Russia-Ukraine crisis.
Biden’s overall approval is somewhat mixed. Rasmussen reports that there is an ever-widening disparity between the 48 percent who strongly disapprove of his performance and the 21 percent who strongly approve.
These numbers shouldn’t be surprising at all. Biden cannot seem to resist the temptation of abandoning a sentence halfway through it. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Biden has abandoned the country on many fronts so it shouldn’t be surprising that he also failed on this one.
This is a weak view for the leader in the free world. However, it was this weakness that allowed the events in Ukraine to happen in the first place. According to RedState, 59% of those polled believe that this is due to Biden’s inability as a leader.
Biden would tell you, however, that he is restoring American decency.
We would have been better off without this kind of decency, and things were much smoother if we had mean tweets.