Adam Kinzinger was the only one who could throw him a going-away party. He did so in his last speech on Thursday. He conveniently forgot that his impending unemployment is because Illinois Democrats gerrymandered him from a job. Kinzinger made a laughably wrongheaded conclusion about his time as a Congressman, whining.
If I had known that speaking out for the truth would endanger my job, my friendships, my personal security, and my livelihood, I would have done it again.
The speech was not actually heard by anyone in the room. There were no laughs or guffaws at his nonsense. Kinzinger was fiddling with his wedding ring nonstop while making his remarks. This makes it difficult to tell if Kinzinger was coping with sadness over his departure. He’s been known before to shed crocodile tears. Or if he was just plain uncomfortable spewing lies. You can decide.
Kinzinger gives his farewell: “Had I know that standing up for truth would cost me my job, friendships, and even my personal security, I would, without hesitation, do it all over again.”
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) December 15, 2022
Kinzinger could have used the chance to be humble and reflect on his honor as a Congressman, and thank his constituents that they allowed him to represent them. The venomous Kinzinger, however, doesn’t understand grace. Instead, he ratcheted up his hyperbole and spewed:
I have taken an oath of allegiance in uniform to this office and the nation’s Constitution. While I was overseas, I saw the effects of radicalization of belief on people in Iraq/Afghanistan. Unfortunately, since I arrived in Congress, I have seen how Republicans and Democrats have used fear to their advantage in the same manner.
Did you get that? You are a terrorist if you believe something Adam Kinzinger does not believe. This is the man who happily betrayed conservative values and aligned himself with the likes of Liz Cheney or Adam Schiff. Let’s not forget the time he publicly denigrated a private citizen who disagreed with him. That Adam Kinzinger was a helluva guy. Sure gonna miss him.
But, wait, there’s more. Kinzinger, after praising his courage and calling all others terrorists, went on to compare himself to Abraham Lincoln and Theodore Roosevelt.
The great parties of Roosevelt, Lincoln, and Reagan abandoned the ideals and principles of liberty and self-governance. Instead, they have embraced lies and deceit. The Republican Party once believed in a large tent that welcomed the sick, the poor, and the people who longed to be free from all forms of oppression. We now shelter the racist and ignorant who incite hatred and anger towards those who are different from us.
This last part sounds a lot like Kinzinger: divisive and crude, self-important, ignorant to the fact that all of these things are his. He’s a lot like Nick Bottom, the character in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer’s Night Dream”. His head is transformed into a jackass and his eyes are blind.
Kinzinger sees himself instead as the conquering hero. He is praised for his belief system and willingness to take on any challenge. Adam Kinzinger is not one of these things. He is notable for his hatred of Donald Trump. He’s now so depressed that he will only be remembered for his anti-Trump mind virus.
What’s next? A resume like this will guarantee that he is destined for MSNBC.