Tori Spelling Says Extreme Mold Has Thrust Family Into Continual Spiral Of Sickness

Tori Spelling, a Hollywood star, shared a post on Instagram Wednesday that stated her family was suffering from frequent illnesses due to the “extreme” mold in their home.

She said that initially she thought that the health issues were a normal result of children bringing sickness from school home, but it turned out that this was not the case.

“Here we again are at Urgent care. This sickness spiral has been going on for months. Sick. Get better. To get sick again. I used to think… that’s just what happens when your kids are in school. They bring illnesses home constantly. We had to take a closer look at what was happening when they were home sick more often than in school. When your children (10 and 6 years old) are so sick that they sleep all day, and feel dizzy when they stand up I knew there was something more going on,” Spelling wrote.

“Enter mold inspection!” “Thanks to Sean from Pacific Scope Inspections, who came out and found extreme mold in our house,” she wrote. The pieces started to fall in place. Anyone ever had mold infections? One infection after another, you just get sick. Respiratory infections. Finn also had extreme allergy-like symptoms and skin rashes. She said: “As we sit in Urgent care today, watching everyone get swabbed, Finn was the first to be diagnosed with Strep throat and a high fever of 100.3 degrees.” She was apparently referring her son, who is 10. Now we know that the labeling of the house as a health hazard, and unlivable was true. “We now get it!”

Spelling indicates that the family must move.

“It is hard to uproot such a large family, especially when everyone is sick and confined to bed. We will now vacate the house asap. We are looking for @airbnb, @vrbo, or a hotel until we know what to do. Renters, so it looks like we will be moving soon. We are grateful to have renters’ insurance. “We’d be lost if we didn’t have renters insurance,” she wrote.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “especially those who have weakened immune systems can develop invasive mould infections days to even weeks after exposure to fungi living in the environment.”