The shoplifting crime surge is shocking. I was not aware of it until just a few moments ago. I am a former San Francisco resident, who hasn’t been able to stop writing about San Francisco’s long decline into criminality.
The crime of shoplifting is so common these days, and it’s not just in San Francisco. It’s hard to imagine that regular readers of the news can go more than two days without seeing another video of someone walking out of an important retailer with what they want.
Have you seen this latest video? According to the New York Post three “plus-size” suspects loaded up three shopping baskets of goods at a Burlington store in Sacramento, and then loaded the stolen items “into an orange Dodge Charger while alarms blared behind them.”
Slow-motion audacity can be thrilling.
Today’s short film is precisely the opposite of what you might think about the remake “Ocean’s 11”, starring George Clooney and Brad Pitt.
Shoplifting is not a crime committed by desperate Jean Valjean who are starving for bread. Organized crime gangs in San Francisco have taken advantage of the city’s “anything goes” attitude toward so-called lifestyle crimes. Their thugs steal high-margin items that the OC outfits sell on the black market.
I previously shared a CNN report on shoplifting in a San Francisco Walgreens. The crew caught a shoplifter live on camera — it was one of three thefts at the store during the 30 minutes that the CNN crew spent there.
A CNN crew visited the most shoplifted Walgreens in the US. The San Francisco store has to lock up ice cream & other low-value items. During the crew’s time there, they saw three shopliftings.
— Andy Ngô 🏳️🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) July 26, 2023
Some thieves are drifters, like the guy in this picture. Sometimes they are more organized opportunists, like Sacramento’s “plus size” crew. Then there are the OC outfits who make the big bucks. They all share one thing: they are aware that store employees cannot stop them in the middle of the crime, and that Democrat cities and states will not hold them accountable for their crimes afterward.
The New York Post buried its report’s headline. This hidden gem is only revealed in the last sentence: “Retail theft has skyrocketed from $94 billion to an alarming $90% increase since 2018,” according to National Retail Federation.
A 90% rise in a few short years is concentrated in cities where crime rates have been declining for almost 30 years. You have to wonder if city halls get a cut.
We won’t get bored with the Internet.