Pelosi’s Reason Why Americans Should Support $40 Billion for Ukraine

On Tuesday, the House approved a bill to provide $40 billion in weapons and aid for Ukraine. This was $7 billion more than Joe Biden requested and was in addition to the $13.6 billion passed last month. Joe Biden stated that they were in dire need of more money because they have already spent everything.

While 57 Republicans voted no to the bill, most supported it. It must still pass the Senate.

Congress had already passed legislation that allowed Joe Biden to give Ukraine virtually any item from our stockpiles. Officials are now asking questions about the state of our stockpiles as a result. It is also unclear if they are making sure that the weapons get to their intended destinations. They are getting more or the Ukrainians could have been wiped out. Where is the spreadsheet that shows how much money is being allotted, not only from us but also from other countries? And who is responsible for tracking where it goes? How can we be sure that some of the money isn’t being sent backward? People like Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense, were not encouraging. His answer was that we must trust the Ukrainians.

Instead of receiving serious consideration and questions from Democrats about these important concerns we received this from Nancy Pelosi, House Speaker (D-CA), which stated that we should accept all this because it is scripture. She also said we should feed the hungry.

It’s amazing that she would say such a thing. No, wait. Nancy Pelosi. She is the most amazing person I know.

The Gospel passage is about charitable acts and not Congressional vultures justifying taking our money.

Americans are unable to find baby formula for their babies, inflation has reached a 40-year high, and gas prices have hit record levels. Nancy Pelosi isn’t concerned about the homeless that live on the streets of San Francisco. Is she quoting scripture at me? This is all pure nonsense.

Pelosi pulls out Christian scripture to appeal to Americans’ natural generosity. Pelosi says nothing about leftists harassing Catholics or Catholic churches to promote abortion and the murder of babies. Her scripture citation rings hollow.

This tactic is often used by leftists to attack Christians and others for their faith.

This one sounds right over the target.

Timothy 5:8, the King James Version, says: “But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” Where is the providing for your own house? Not to mention Pelosi’s Constitutional obligation — which is to the United States of America?