PA Senate Candidate John Fetterman Owns His Slob Style

The outrage has been sparked after Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer (D, N.Y.), relaxed the dress code on the Senate floor in order to accommodate Sen. John Fetterman’s (D, Pa.) homeless fashion style.

Since the “Fetterman Rule”, several Republicans have been rightfully critical of undermining traditions and decorum, because one senator cannot be bothered to wear appropriate clothing.

Fetterman discussed the issue in an interview with Chris Hayes on MSNBC, a leftist blowhard who mocked outrage about the “Fetterman Rule”, from his very first questions.

Hayes said, “Let’s start with the issue that is most pressing for our country in this moment of crisis, and that is the Senate dress code which was recently changed.”

“Of Course, I’ve heard of it,” Fetterman responded. I’ve heard some people are upset and that the right has been losing their minds. They’re like “Oh my god, you know dogs and cats live together” and, as I said, there are more important issues to discuss than whether I dress like a dirty slob.

He admits to dressing like a slob.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., was one Republican who criticized the “Fetterman Rule”. She reacted to this news via X (formerly Twitter).

She posted: “The Senate not enforcing dress codes for Senators in order to appease Fetterman’s demands is disgraceful.” “Dress code is a standard of the society that sets etiquette, and respects our institutions.” “Stop lowering the standard!”

Hayes brought up the post. Fetterman responded, “Well, her platform is really — she runs more and more on ding-aling, pictures, etc., in the meetings at the Congress.” Again, I don’t know why she is so concerned about my appearance, but she does take it in a very different manner.

Since Fetterman began to make regular Senate appearances, his sloppy attire has become a source of mockery. The real question is why the dress code should not be changed to accommodate one person. Fetterman who checked himself into Walter Reed previously for clinical depression must still be suffering from mental issues if he is too fragile to dress like the rest of us. This is the real issue.

The “Fetterman Rule”, which only applies to Senators, is the most insulting. All staff, interns, and anyone else entering the chamber must be dressed in suits for men, and business attire for women.

If Fetterman is aware that he dresses like a slob and knows it, then the question should not be why Republicans are upset with the relaxed dress code, but rather why he cannot abide by Senate decorum. If he is too emotionally or mentally fragile to wear a tie, then he shouldn’t be in the Senate.