No One Will Be Happy, There’s Been Another Supreme Court Leak

Chief Justice John Roberts stated that the unprecedented leakage in Dobbs, Jackson Women’s Health Organization of the majority opinion was “a singularly egregious violation that trust that is an offense for the Court and the community of public servants that works here.” Despite the Court’s prompt investigation, the same shenanigans are continuing.

Robert Barnes, Carol D. Leonig, and Ann E. Marimow recently wrote about Chief Justice Roberts’ apparent loss of influence. But, it appears that there is another leak coming from the court.

Draft opinions that were leaked date back to February and are almost certain not to be outdated as justices have had time to make revisions. However, three conservatives close to Roe stated that most of the justices who were to strike Roe as of last week remain intact. To discuss sensitive issues, they spoke anonymously.

A source close to conservative court members said that Roberts told his peers in December that he would uphold state law, and that he would write an opinion that would leave Roe & Casey intact for now. A court spokeswoman declined to comment, and messages to justices weren’t returned.

It is still unknown who leaked the draft opinion for Dobbs, and one can only wonder about the long-term damage the leak has done to the court. Not only has a draft opinion been leaked, but private conversations have as well now? Once again, no one will be happy about this. Conservatives won’t be happy about the leak, and pro-abortion leftists won’t be happy that it seems that the conservative justices who are likely to vote to overturn Roe v. Wade appear to be holding firm on it.