Homeless Encampments Soar in Leftist Cities: Is This What They Voted For?

Seattle has the same problem as many other major cities. They have a voting problem because they vote for people who are responsible for the problem. In one neighborhood of Seattle, a senior center is being taken over by a homeless camp, the residents of which are settling in for a long stay – they even have set up a pool. Fox and Friends interviewed a resident:

Residents of a senior living facility in Seattle are living in fear, as an encampment nearby, filled with drugs and guns, continues to grow, boasting a swimming pool inflatable.

Diane Radischat who lives in the Highland Park complex expressed her outrage on Friday. She told “Fox & Friends First”, that the problem had been escalating without any attention for years.

Radischat said, “We have had homeless encampments across the street from where this one is, but nothing as bad as this”, describing the trees that were being cut down to build the structures. “They are destroying the land.”

Fox News’s Sean Hannity tweeted a picture of the pool.

Local resident describes the behavior of the encampment’s squatters, including how they have set up their pool. It is pretty disgusting:

Arrowhead Gardens residents have told KOMO News that they are often startled by the gunfire erupting out of the encampment. The outlet obtained footage showing a woman smoking what appeared to be fentanyl on a couch near the large inflatable pool.

Radischat stated that “[Residents] now fear going out at night.” “Sometimes, the daytime is no better.” Never before have we had problems with guns. “This is a consistent issue with guns among the current occupants.”

Radischat said that the encampment obtained water for its pool by blocking and breaking a fire hydrant.

She said, “They still have to drag very large containers to the pool and fill them up. But they did it.”

Diane Radischat’s primary question is: Have you ever considered voting for someone different, perhaps someone who belongs to a new political party or has some new political ideas? Have you ever considered doing something different? Have you encouraged others to follow your example?

Pew Research reports that Seattle has 48% Democrats and 21% Unaffiliated voters. This is the general trend in most of the places that are affected by these large encampments. Another trend is the lack of tolerance by these towns’ leaders for new ideas. They continue to pursue policies that make things worse.

Look at the voter lists of major cities with major problems in homeless camps to find a common theme:

  • Los Angeles and surrounding suburbs
  • San Francisco and the Bay area in general
  • Seattle
  • Portland
  • Sacramento
  • New York
  • All Democrat enclaves

For years, these leftist cities have rewarded homeless people. The cities have given away free food, needles, blankets, and everything else. These elected officials seem unaware of the basic law of the economy: what you reward you get more. Homelessness has been rewarded, and it is getting worse until honest citizens fear going out at night.

Diane Radischat demonstrates a strong desire to remain in her neighborhood at the end:

Radischat plans to remain despite the risks.

“I think we’ll resolve the problem. This is a human problem. These people require housing. We need many things. “We just need those whose job is to clear the encampment, to do their job.”

Fox & Friends didn’t seem to ask Diane Radichat anything about the political leadership of the city, what they planned to do in response to this encampment or if any candidates are running for office who might try something new. That’s the real problem. As in so many other major cities, Seattle voters continue to put the same lunatics in charge. This is why these problems don’t go away.