Florida Lawmaker’s Controversial Comment on the Trans Community Raises Eyebrows

I wanted to begin this article with a Courtney Love quotation I had read many decades ago. I could not find the exact words so I will paraphrase them. Love once told an interviewer that she had to learn the difference between honesty and candor, and she explained that honesty is telling the truth, while candor is telling the truth in a way that could offend.

Even though she said it more colorfully, the point remains valid. A Florida lawmaker might have to learn that lesson in light of transgender madness.

The legislature is currently discussing Florida’s HB1521. It addresses people who use public restrooms that are not compatible with their biological gender.

Any person 18 years or older who enter a bathroom or change area for an unknown purpose and refuses immediately to leave when asked by another person, is guilty of a second-degree offense.

Section (6) of the bill provides clear exceptions, such as chaperoning a child and assisting an elderly relative. Each case must have no other person in the space.

Rep. Webster Barnaby (R-Deltona) made a couple of remarks during a debate on the bill that he may wish he could take back, but he was only saying what people all across America are thinking.

Barnaby said that there are people on Earth today who are happy to be portrayed as mutants from another planet. Flagler Live reports. “I don’t stand on either side.”

He didn’t stop there. “My righteous anger has been stirred. I am sick of it. But you can test me and I promise that I will win every single time. ”

Others legislators were quick to embrace the trans community. Kristen Arrington (D-Kissimmee) declared: “I see. I hear. Understand. Love you.” “Definitely, I’m still somewhat puzzled by the comments here. I just wanted to let you know that many people understand and support you. ”

I picture Arrington kneeling before Drew Barrymore, trans lobby, as a tribute to Dylan Mulvaney.

“I am also Christian and I would like to thank everyone who has shared their testimony. ”

Below is Tramont’s translation: “I am also a Christian and sponsored the bill. Please, don’t cancel me! ”

As one might expect after someone says something controversial about the LGBTQWILLITEVEREND community, Barnaby offered an apology. But his apology didn’t exactly come with the fealty that the left has come to expect from those who have sinned and fallen short of the glory of woke.

“I would like to apologize to the trans community for referring to you as demons,” Barnaby said. And that was it — a bare minimum apology. He’s basically an 8-year-old apologizing for pulling his little sister’s hair.

Barnaby’s apology was not sufficient, I am certain. I wonder if there are many Americans wondering why Barnaby even apologized.

To bring out the moral of this story, I’ll use a Courtney Love quote that I did find. She once said, “I’m not going to apologize for offending you. Actually, I think you should thank me.”