The Democratic state representative of New Hampshire, Tommy Hoyt, recently reacted angrily to a parent asking him to support a bill on parents’ rights. He told the voter to shut up and let the teachers teach.
Hoyt received an email from a New Hampshire parent this week encouraging him to vote in favor of Senate Bill 272, The Parents’ Bill of Rights in Education.
The law was intended to stop schools from keeping information about their children secret from parents, such as sex or gender.
Teachers’ unions and progressive activists as well as politicians on the left were very critical of this bill. They claimed that parents might be a danger to themselves.
Rebecca Perkins Kwoka, a Democratic Senator, argued that this bill “would expose children to violence from their parents.” Donovan Fenton, a Democratic Senator, claimed that this legislation could be “fatal for our children.” Democratic Party Chair Ray Buckley said that “some kids will be beaten up to death” if the legislation passed.
Hoyt said that “some” parents are a danger to their children. He did not think that school officials should intentionally lie to parents, but he thought that in certain circumstances they could keep some information from them.
The legislation was defeated by 195 votes to 190 on Thursday.
I am a mother of four children living in Hopkinton. The voter wrote Hoyt to request that SB272 be passed without amendments. Aren’t the majority of teachers and school staff parents as well? Do you think that school staff and teachers are better parents? Do you think that most parents abuse their children?
Hoyt told the voter that he would “shut up” after the parent asked him to.
Do you know why the children’s test results plummeted during covid? Hoyt referred to the students’ declining school performance. “Their teachers were incompetent parents. Your children will thank you for this. Let the teachers do their job and stop talking. “You’re obviously not a professional.”
The representative confirmed that the email sent by the parent was authentic to NHJournal.
“I feel that the reason why children’s school test scores dropped so dramatically was because there were no teachers. Parents who thought they could replace teachers and tell them what to say were not very effective. Hoyt said, “I probably could have used better language.”