America is about to discover that liberals actually mean “separation of church and state”. They want to shut down anyone who disagrees with same-sex marriage.
Liberals have deconstructed Thomas Jefferson’s “absolute Wall of Separation”, to keep the state from the church, and allow those who are in favor of the Bible’s definitions of marital to remain in church for many years.
The Senate’s Respect for Marriage Act, which Democrats call necessary to legalize gay marriage in the United States, provides this moment of learning. The Supreme Court’s Obergefell ruling in 2015 was the exact opposite.
Similar bills were passed by the House in the summer. Although there are some differences in the versions of the bills they received, these will be resolved quickly. The measure will then be signed into law by President Joe Biden.
Twelve Republican senators voted in support of the bill with all the Democrats. If these 12 GOP senators had voted against the bill’s advancement, it would have been tied up in Senate with a good chance of not moving any further until the 118th Congress convenes. There’s no guarantee, however, that the new Republican-controlled House of Representatives would block the proposal.
There are two elements worth noting. First, a Washington Post news analysis from Aaron Blake. This reveals one of the most important and fundamental divides in American politics.
Blake says that the same-sex marriage bill requires lawmakers to “codify federal and state recognition for a right which has already been ruled by the Supreme Court.” This means that all American citizens’ rights are determined by the law, as it is passed and signed by President Obama.
This understanding of individual rights would surprise and disappoint the Founders, who declared in 1776’s Declaration of Independence.
These truths are obvious. We believe all people are created equal. We believe that all people are equal. Their just powers are derived from the consent of the governed.
Can you see the difference? These rights were its original purpose.
Liberals believe the government is the source of individual rights. That means the government has the ability to define rights and can change them at the will of those in power.
The government is under the control of the Liberals. They plan to restrict the freedom of religion expression and practice in order to exclude those who feel they must reject homosexual marriage.
The liberals are basically telling millions of Americans that they don’t have the right not to agree with homosexual marriage in public. The state can seize their property through taxes and use it for political support of same-sex marriage enforcement.
It is worth noting the second element. The bill allows the IRS to suspend tax exemptions for churches and non-profits that oppose same-sex marital relationships. This bill encourages lawsuits to be filed against institutions that oppose same-sex marriage to enforce the right.
It means that same-sex couples are soon to request to marry in evangelical churches, even though they oppose the practice.
If the pastor refuses to perform the ceremony, the church will be sued by the IRS. This litigation will allow the IRS to close the church’s tax exemption status and tax-deductible congregants’ contributions and end tax-exempt status.
But that’s not all. The IRS has been trained to take legal action against Catholic social service institutions. Heritage Action for America explained:
The Respect for Marriage Act was passed months after Democrats had used it to finance 87,000 new IRS agents. These new agents would be able to harass religious schools or other faith-based groups that oppose same-sex marriage, and eventually, take away their tax exemption status.
Worse, anyone who acts “under color of law” would be able to sue. This loosely defined term will also apply to government-funded and regulated service providers.
Talking about slippery slopes.
Do not be fooled by claims that the bill was amended to protect religious freedom.